How Tall Should A Standing Desk Be?

Studies indicate that sitting for too long can raise the probability of developing chronic health problems. Along with this, extended sitting can reduce metabolism, diminish circulation, foster muscle imbalances, and adversely affect mental health, increasing the dangers of depression, anxiety, and stress.

Sitting is a natural day to day activity, however one should be aware of the detrimental effects of sitting for long periods of time if not for the health-wise limitation then for the purpose of breaking it up with some quality movements and mini-breaks.

Besides those tips, you get added benefits out of a standing desk investment that make it a valuable addition to your wellbeing and performance. These workstations usually incorporate features such as height control to enable you to change your workstation to your ergonomic preference.

I have also realized that the effectiveness of standing desks avails a myriad of health and productivity aspects. It helps with the spine and includes lesser risk of health issues and a raise in energy and brain levels. Sitting while you are working hinders movement and provides a useful, albeit somewhat more rigid, adjustable working arrangement with accessible ergonomic accommodations. In aggregate, transitioning to a standing desk incorporates long-term benefits into a routine.

However, buying a standing desk is not going to be as simple as buying a normal desk would be. The focus includes the best height range for comfort ergonomics, how stable the desk should be and whether it should be easily adjustable. What stands for the best value for the height of a standing desk? What height should a standing desk hold? As much as adequate desk height is important for loading, what specific height will have the most benefits?

How to Determine a Standing Desk’s Height?

Should you be unclear on how to set the right height for your standing desk, don’t worry – you've come to the right place!

The height of your standing desk is a personal choice that hinges on several personal factors. The height of your screen, along with your keyboard and mouse placements and your height itself, determines the optimal height for your standing desk. Once these elements are taken into account, establishing the optimal height becomes a straightforward operation.

While 37 inches is often the recommended height for standing desks, this figure may not accommodate all people, due especially to individual height differences. In what way might you identify the right standing desk height that meets your requirements? Looking at the below chart can provide you with the calculations necessary to identify the most fitting standing desk height relative to your height.

The best height for a standing desk should be high enough that when you are going to use your keyboard and mouse, your arms can comfortably form a 90-degree angle. If it’s either too low or too high, it can make you feel uncomfortable and develop muscle tension. This, in theory, serves as the optimal standing desk height.

Sitting & Standing Height Calculator

But you might still wonder "How tall should a standing desk be for my height?", there are some general recommendations for both sitting desk heights and standing desk heights

Your Height Sitting Desk Height Standing Desk Height
152 cm 57 cm 93 cm
155 cm 58 cm 94 cm
157 cm 58 cm 95 cm
160 cm 60 cm 97 cm
163 cm 61 cm 99 cm
165 cm 62 cm 100 cm
168 cm 64 cm 103 cm
170 cm 64 cm 104 cm
173 cm 65 cm 105 cm
175 cm 66 cm 108 cm
178 cm 67 cm 109 cm
180 cm 69 cm 111 cm
183 cm 69 cm 112 cm
185 cm 70 cm 113 cm
188 cm 71 cm 113 cm
191 cm 72 cm 117 cm
193 cm 72 cm 119 cm
196 cm 74 cm 121 cm

This calculator was created to provide a general recommendation for the height of a standing desk. Please note that optimal height can be different for each person and desktop setup as mentioned in other sections of this article.

How-To Properly Set Up Your Standing Desk

Measure Your Height: You can take this measurement while you are still standing, but make sure you are wearing your shoes When you are standing, relax and straight, then use a leveling instrument to measure from the floor and up to the inner side of the bend formed by the elbow. This measurement will make a good starting point on one of the most often discussed aspects of standing desk height.

Consider Screen Placement: It also recommended that the monitor you use should be set at a comfortable height for the eyes and I recommend placing the middle of the monitor at eye level. Thus, tilt your desk to bend upwards the computer screen to reach a comfortable position for your eyes.

Keyboard and Mouse Placement: The keyboard and mouse should ideally be at a level that you don’t have to twist your arms too much, and your elbows should be parallel to the floor, approximately at right angles to the forearms. Adjust the desk height as necessary in order to get into this position.

Test and Adjust: Before you get going, it may also be useful to spend a few days practicing using your standing desk. Be careful with any irritation or tension in your cervical, shoulder or wrist areas. Although, if adjustment of the height is necessary make more precise adjustment until an ergonomic position and height of the desk is attained.

As what has been said earlier, the aspect of ergonomics should never be compromised when setting up your standing desk. It is recommended that people don’t be rigid when it comes to the height of their desk or the model they embrace. find the perfect fit for your needs.

Some standing desks in NZ that we recommend:

Dui II Electric Single Desk

Dui II Electric Single Desk

Agile Electric 2-Column Individual Desk

Agile Electric 2-Column Individual Desk

Agile 2 Electric Workstation

Agile 2 Electric Workstation

Common Mistakes When Determining a Standing Desk Height

Ignoring Individual Needs: The biggest misconception is that all people require the same height in their standing desks. Everyone has a peculiar taste and biomechanical needs, which should also be considered to create the best environment.

Neglecting Screen Placement: Most people underestimate the need to have their monitor at the right height.A. This also means that its stands at the correct height should be adjusted with the screen set at incorrect heights disrupting neck movements and causing eventual strain.

Not Considering Keyboard and Mouse Placement: The distance you prefer for your keyboard and mouse is just as critical as for the height of the monitor. Make sure your arms are uncrossed and when doing this ensure that the angle formed at the elbow is right angled to help prevent straining either the wrist or the shoulder.

It’s also important to start slow Gradually progression also helps you develop a good pageNumberegan Modification also = Gradually progression also helps you develop a good pageNumberegan The process of conversion from a sitting to a standing desk must not be hurried. Starting with 15 minutes to half an hour standing at your desk, then you can add more time when you start getting used to it as a change. However, avoid liming standing as well as sitting since the human body structure is not made to remain in any posture for a long time. Swap between the two and don’t neglect walking again.

All in all, it would be pivotal to define the height of the standing desk as one of the most important aspects in an optimal work environment. Taking into consideration your particular requirements as well as the recommendations given in this article, you will be able to establish effective standing desk design for your health and higher productivity