Office Chair Cleaning

Cleaning your office chair might not be at the top of your to-do list, but maintaining a clean workspace can improve your productivity and overall well-being. Think about it - you spend a significant portion of your day sitting in your chair, so it's bound to accumulate dirt, spills, and stains over time. Fortunately, with a little effort and the right approach, you can easily learn how to clean a desk chair and keep your office chair looking and feeling fresh.

Table Of Contents

Essential Cleaning Supplies for Your Office Chair

Eliminating Stains and Spills: A Simple Guide

Revitalizing Your Chair's Upholstery

Cleaning the Details: Wheels, Arms, and Legs


Essential Cleaning Supplies for Your Office Chair

Before diving into the cleaning process, it's important to gather the necessary supplies before learning how to clean a computer chair or office chair. 

Here's a complete list of essential cleaning supplies you'll need to learn how to clean office chairs:

Mild detergent or specified upholstery solvent: Choose a gentle detergent or upholstery cleaner suitable for your chair's material.

  • Warm water: Warm water helps dissolve stains and dirt more effectively.
  • Soft-bristled brush or sponge: A soft-bristled brush or sponge will help you scrub away dirt without damaging the upholstery.
  • Microfiber cloth: Microfiber cloths are excellent for wiping down surfaces and absorbing spills.
  • A vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment: A vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment is ideal for removing dust and debris from your chair's upholstery and crevices.

Some of the best leather office chairs in NZ:
Eden Eames Classic Leather Chair

Eden Eames Classic Leather Chair

Eden Eames Soft Pad Leather Chair

Eden Eames Soft Pad Leather Chair 

Eliminating Stains and Spills: A Simple Guide

Stains and spills are inevitable, but with the right approach, you can effectively remove them from your office chair. They demand immediate attention. Upon encountering a mishap, swiftly blot the affected area with a clean cloth. This initial step aids in absorbing excess liquid, preventing it from permeating deeper into the fabric. Next, use your cleaning solution and a soft-bristled brush or sponge to gently scrub the stained area. After scrubbing, thoroughly rinse the treated area with clean water. This step is crucial in removing any residual cleaning solution, preventing potential discoloration or residue buildup.

Once rinsed, delicately blot the dampened area with a microfiber cloth. This aids in absorbing excess moisture, expediting the drying process while minimizing the risk of water stains or lingering dampness.

Finally, allow your chair to air dry completely before using it again. Allow your office chair to air dry naturally in a well-ventilated area. Patience during this phase is essential, as rushing the drying process may compromise the efficacy of the cleaning efforts and potentially promote mold or mildew growth.

Revitalizing Your Chair's Upholstery

You'll want to ensure you take care of your chair's upholstery regularly to maintain its appearance and comfort so that it doesn't lose its luster.

Vacuum it thoroughly a few times a week with a brush attachment to safely remove any dust or debris. If it's leather, be sure to use a soft brush attachment and do it gently so you don't damage the material.

When your upholstery needs a deeper cleaning and you don't know how to clean fabric office chairs, be sure to refer to your chair's specific cleaning guide if available, as different materials require different care. You should find it tailored somewhere to the chair's material. On the label, you might find a symbol specifying which cleaning solution is best suited for your upholstery.

  • For upholstery labeled as "C," it's recommended to utilize an enzyme-detergent for Crypton materials.
  • When dealing with materials marked "S," opt for dry-cleaning solvents that do not contain water.
  • If it's labeled with "SW/WS," consider using a solvent that can be either water-based or water-free.
  • For materials labeled "W," a solution based on water is recommended.
  • In cases where the upholstery is marked with an "X," it's best to leave the job to a professional cleaning service.

Allow your chair's upholstery to dry completely before using it again. Leaving it to air dry is the safest option. You can leave it outside to dry more efficiently in the sun. However, if it's leather, wipe it with a dry cloth before exposing it to sunlight, and avoid prolonged exposure to prevent damage.

Also, remember to wipe any water off any wooden parts on your chair, as wood is susceptible to damage from moisture.

Popular office chairs in NZ

EDEN Spectrum 3 Lever Chair


EDEN Spectrum 3 Lever Chair

Buro Roma 3 Lever High Back


Buro Roma 3 Lever High Back

Cleaning the Details: Wheels, Arms, and Legs

Don't forget to clean the often-overlooked details when you're cleaning an office chair, including the wheels, arms, and legs. 

To clean the wheels effectively, we recommend removing them from the chair using a screwdriver for an easier process. Next, use a pair of tweezers or a butter knife to extract any dirt or hair lodged within the wheels. Use a damp cloth to wash away any remaining dirt, ensuring the wheels are completely dry afterward so no dirt accumulates while they're wet.

For the arms, use a mixture of your cleaning solution and warm water to clean them thoroughly, then rinse and dry them completely. 

And lastly, for the legs, wipe them down with a clean, damp cloth to remove any dirt or dust. 


A clean office chair not only looks better but also contributes to a healthier and more comfortable work environment. By following these simple cleaning tips and using the right supplies, you can keep your office chair in top condition for years to come. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your cleaning supplies, and give your office chair the TLC it deserves!